Urbanie & Urbanus

Issue 2019 May

First Issue

Issue 1, P.32 - P.42

How Does The Spatial And Built Form Characteristics Of Hong Kong Inform Its Walkability

Dr. Hee Sun (Sunny) Choi

BA MA PhD, Adjunct Assistant Professor,
MDes (Urban Environments Design), School of Design,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Director at Choi-Comer Asia Architecture and Urban Design


This paper focuses on how adjustments to pedestrian accessibility and walkability can enhance the economic and spatial value of a particular built environment. Using the case of the redevelopment of Taikoo Place in Quarry Bay, Hong Kong, this research explores user behaviour patterns and pedestrian flows at different times and locations based on the existing arrangement and future layouts.

Through these findings, this research aims to provide an assessment of the functionality, pros and cons of the the split-levelled, layers spatial structure of the public and quasi-public realms in Hong Kong – both indoor and outdoor, on the ground and above the ground, in order to generate alternative perspectives on pathways, open areas and how they are linked.