Urbanie & Urbanus
Issue 8, P. - P.
Decoding the components of waterfronts people love
Chong Wang
Camilla Siggaard Andersen
Michelle Zhu
Richard Mullane
Damian Holmes
- Andersen, C. (2022) Six qualities of great urban places: Decoding the components of places that deliver for people and planet
Hassell (2023) West Bund Waterfront Public Realm. Available at: https://www.hassellstudio.com/project/west-bund-waterfront-public-realm (Accessed: 7 July 2023)
Hassell (2022) Colma Creek, South San Francisco. Available at: https://www.hassellstudio. com/project/colma-creek-adaptation-planning (Accessed: 13 May 2022)
Hassell (2023) Radical restoration: regenerating the home of the endangered Ridgway’s Rail bird. Available at: https://www.hassellstudio.com/news-event/radical-restoration-regenerating-the-home-of-the-endangered-ridgways-rail (Accessed: 19 April 2023)
Damien H. (2020) ‘Longgang River Blueway – A protected waterfront for growing ‘local’ Longgang’, WLA, 20 October. Available at: https://worldlandscapearchitect.com/tag/ longgang-river-blueway (Accessed: 20 October 2020).