Urbanie & Urbanus

Decoding the components of waterfronts people love

Chong Wang

Managing Principal, Hassell

and  Camilla Siggaard Andersen

Research Lead, Hassell

and  Michelle Zhu

Principal, Hassell

and  Richard Mullane

Principal, Hassell

and  Damian Holmes

Founder and Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA)


  1. Andersen, C. (2022) Six qualities of great urban places: Decoding the components of places that deliver for people and planet

  2. Hassell (2023) West Bund Waterfront Public Realm. Available at: https://www.hassellstudio.com/project/west-bund-waterfront-public-realm (Accessed: 7 July 2023)

  3. Hassell (2022) Colma Creek, South San Francisco. Available at: https://www.hassellstudio. com/project/colma-creek-adaptation-planning (Accessed: 13 May 2022)

  4. Hassell (2023) Radical restoration: regenerating the home of the endangered Ridgway’s Rail bird. Available at: https://www.hassellstudio.com/news-event/radical-restoration-regenerating-the-home-of-the-endangered-ridgways-rail (Accessed: 19 April 2023)

  5. Damien H. (2020) ‘Longgang River Blueway – A protected waterfront for growing ‘local’ Longgang’, WLA, 20 October. Available at: https://worldlandscapearchitect.com/tag/ longgang-river-blueway (Accessed: 20 October 2020).