Urbanie & Urbanus
Issue 2019 May
First Issue
Issue 1, P.3 - P.12
Figure 1: World Happiness Report (source:UNSDSU; table: BWPI)
Figure 2: Salt Pans at Tai O, Lantau Island circa 1960. (source: industrialhistoryhk.org)
Figure 3: Praya Reclamation set the early precedents for continued Hong Kong land development in the 19C. (source: HK Museum of History)
Figure 4: West Kowloon Reclamation as viewed from the Peak in 1994. (source: gakei.com)
Figure 5: Land reclamation map of Hong Kong from 1851 to 1996. (source: Lands Department, HK)
Figure 6: HK2030+ “towards a planning vision”. With climate catastrophe imminent, the vague notions of Hong Kong’s future, without any sustainable targets, are totally deficient. (source: hk2030plus.hk)
Figure 7: Vancouver has clear targets to become the world’s ‘greenest city’ by 2020. (source: morethangreen.es)
Figure 8: Could the trend be for Hong Kong to move to negative population growth in the near future? (source:United Nations Medium Variant estimate, Moody’s Analytics)
Figure 9: Population Growth (source: Mecometer.com)
Figure 10: Development Plan demonstrating Green Infrastructure planning for Fingal County, Dublin, Ireland. (source: fingal.ie)
Figure 11: Green Infrastructure planning systems of the Territorial Metropolitan Plan of Barcelona. (source: PTMB)
Figure 12: Recently Developed Public Housing at Kai-Tak. (source: wikicommons, user Mk2010)